We offer our expertise and the best of ourselves to support families throughout this difficult process.
Whatever your situation, our advisors are available and eager to help.


Our qualified advisors are at your disposal to listen and support you in all stages of your process.

Click here to make an appointment


The Haut-Richelieu Complex also offers complimentary services to simplify the process.


By choosing this option, we guarantee that all government documents and forms will be completed correctly and that all administrative procedures will be carried out adequately. In this way, you save your loved ones from administrative hassles.

This option can be enhanced with identity theft protection, which ensures that if your passport or driver’s license is stolen, your identity will not be used for fraudulent purposes such as credit applications.


  • In the event of a death while abroad, this insurance allows
  • to obtain all documents and services necessary for repatriation, including consular services
  • transportation to a funeral home that will prepare the deceased for repatriation
    cover the transportation expenses for the person accompanying the deceased back to the country
  • if the deceased was travelling alone, arrange for a family member to accompany the deceased on the return trip back to the country


This service notifies a certain number of people on a list that you will have established, and whose information will have been validated beforehand, of your death.

For any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We will provide you with all the details regarding the different coverages.

Our advisors are available to listen to your needs and support you at all stages of your process.

For any additional information, do not hesitate to contact us. We can give you all the details relating to the various protections.

Our qualified advisors are at your disposal to listen and support you in all stages of your process.

Click here to make an appointment